Prices, Availability & Booking

Florida Delight Weekly Prices

Please note that the GBP prices are approximate (current exchange rate 1.24) and shown for guidance only. Prices include Florida Tax (12%).

Season Starts On Ends On Weekly Price (USD) Weekly Price (GBP)
High 17/Feb/2025 19/Mar/2025 $1927.00 £1554.03
Peak 20/Mar/2025 30/Apr/2025 $2083.00 £1679.84
Mid 01/May/2025 30/Jun/2025 $1556.00 £1254.84
High 01/Jul/2025 31/Aug/2025 $1927.00 £1554.03
Low 01/Sep/2025 24/Sep/2025 $1374.00 £1108.06
Mid 25/Sep/2025 05/Oct/2025 $1556.00 £1254.84
High 06/Oct/2025 31/Oct/2025 $1927.00 £1554.03
Low 01/Nov/2025 22/Nov/2025 $1374.00 £1108.06
Peak 23/Nov/2025 30/Nov/2025 $2083.00 £1679.84
Low 01/Dec/2025 18/Dec/2025 $1374.00 £1108.06
Peak 18/Dec/2025 07/Jan/2026 $2187.00 £1763.71
Low 08/Jan/2026 30/Jan/2026 $1443.00 £1163.71
Mid 31/Jan/2026 16/Feb/2026 $1634.00 £1317.74
High 17/Feb/2026 19/Mar/2026 $2023.00 £1631.45
Peak 20/Mar/2026 30/Apr/2026 $2187.00 £1763.71
Mid 01/May/2026 30/Jun/2026 $1634.00 £1317.74
High 01/Jul/2026 13/Aug/2026 $2023.00 £1631.45
Mid 14/Aug/2026 03/Sep/2026 $1634.00 £1317.74
Low 04/Sep/2026 24/Sep/2025 $1443.00 £1163.71
Mid 25/Sep/2026 05/Oct/2026 $1634.00 £1317.74
High 06/Oct/2026 31/Oct/2026 $2023.00 £1631.45
Low 01/Nov/2026 22/Nov/2026 $1443.00 £1163.71
Peak 23/Nov/2026 30/Nov/2026 $2187.00 £1763.71
Low 01/Dec/2026 18/Dec/2026 $1443.00 £1163.71
Peak 19/Dec/2026 03/Jan/2027 $2187.00 £1763.71

Step 1.... Check Availability

Although our system will automatically check availability for you when you enter your dates, you may also check our calendar here.